School is Out, But the Work has Only Just Begun!

In campuses all over the country, students and families are commemorating the end of a journey of hard work and perseverance. While the ceremonies play out and caps fly through the air in celebration, Facilities Managers all over are preparing for their own personal maintenance D-Day.  As soon as the crowds clear out, they are able to take advantage of empty rooms and buildings and get to work—tackling all the maintenance items they may not have had easy access to through the school year. It’s a big undertaking, and we at FacilityONE believe that this type of thing is exactly what our SMARTPRINT Technology was designed for:

Build A Preventative Maintenance Curriculum:

Ahhhh. Empty spaces abound, no people to disrupt, no need to tiptoe– the perfect environment to carry out preventative maintenance tasks. Build out your procedures and tasks ahead of time using a CMMS and schedule them to generate work orders as soon as the last blue book is turned in. Each work order is assigned to a piece of equipment so you are tracking your work. You can also associate labor costs and materials as well. You can even assign them to equipment groups and dole them out by specialty amongst your maintenance team. Now you’ve saved yourself the need to create a mountain of paper to work from and your techs can access their task lists right in the palm of their hands using a mobile device.

Tackle The Big Stuff First:

Which area has seen the most need for corrective maintenance this past year? Which classroom keeps losing air conditioning?

A powerful CMMS will not only allow you to capture time and costs against a piece of equipment or a specific location, but it will also allow you to pull a custom report to recall all of that information quickly. You can even schedule it to generate and send out to certain parts of your department! Now you know exactly where your corrective measures have been focused over the last year and you can plan ahead for capital expenses as well as know where to focus your first energies!

Store Building and Room Information:

What kind of paint did you use last time? What is the square footage of the building? Who is the preferred carpet vendor? Is this building different from the others?

Being able to store room and building information in your CMMS will allow for quick and easy recall, leaving you time to reduce your prep and get to work!  No more pulling out binders or trying to get in touch with the person who used to do all the painting, but moved 1000 miles away. Think of the time savings and headache prevention!

Keep Certifications Documented and Up To Date:

 Fire Systems, Mechanical Systems, Electrical Systems, Security Systems. More than likely you’ve got your hands full keeping up with all of the certifications and inspections for your assets, and it’s likely that you’ll be handling many of these systems inspections over the summer. A CMMS can help document critical information without digging through file folders and rusty old file cabinets. FacilityONE’s SMARTPRINT Technology not only allows you to map your assets to provide an interactive blueprint of your facilities, but it can also attach countless inspection documents, certificates, vendor invoices, and photographs to each piece of equipment. Moreover, you can create annotations on top of your floorplans to document exit routes, fire extinguishers, smoke compartments, even AHU zones!

Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

Obviously, Facilities Management is never a short term deal. Planning for the future is crucial and the hardest balance to keep is that between reactive maintenance and planned maintenance. Automating your processes and storing your documentation in one place is preventative maintenance in and of itself. But, the beauty of preventing is just that– less time correcting. School years will come and go and every summer will, too. Being able to rely on your processes to be there for you when the time arrives is not only convenient, it’s smart! Finding a partner to do it with you? Now that’s a recipe for operational success!

Contact to see how we can be your partner in operational success.